After reading the article Defining OER-Enabled Pedagogy, Wiley and Hilton(2018) pointed out an organization called Open Educational Resources that provides students a open pedagogy. The authors mentioned that many students do their assignments just for getting good grades, they only care about the grades that they get after the course instead of teachers’ comments, they called this “disposable assignments” in which I think is not efficient. Nowadays, a lot of students would cheat on exams or even pay for someone to help them to get good grades on the assignments, it is also often that students do not remember the knowledge after the class. In addition, they give an example about their renewable assignment, which “offered extra credit to create tutorial videos, chapter summaries, and review games for a particular topic; these tutorial resources were also evaluated by the teacher and some were selected to be integrated into the course” (Wiley and Hilton 2018, p. 6). I doubt that may not be efficient either, and it only give teachers extra works. In my opinion, if a student wants to get a high grade in a course, he/she will spend extra time on this course, and will review the course materials after each class. They would also see teachers in office hour and read teacher’s comments. In contrast, if that person only wants to pass the course, he will not do it because there is no big different between a D and C-. Therefore, no matter Disposable assignment or renewable assignment, they are just different ways of learning. The real difference is students themselves, how much efforts they put into the course is the most important.

This week we get to know a new open platform like twitter chat. I think this kind of platforms are really convenient. Twitter provides a free access platform for educators and learners. A group can meet anytime online and students do not have to waste time on transportation. However, as far as I concern, there are some disadvantages as well. Sitting in front of computer is not like sitting in the classroom, student can be easily distracted by anything, it may be harder for students to concentrate in a different environment. Thus, I believe that there are both benefits and drawbacks for open learning, I do think that e-learning is very efficient yet it may not work for everyone.


Wiley, David, and John Levi Hilton III. “Defining OER-enabled pedagogy.” International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 19.4 (2018).